
Autumn / WinterSpring / Summer
Grey trousers/navy blue or grey skirt/pinaforeGrey shorts / pale blue polo shirt
Pale blue polo shirt Blue check summer dress
Navy blue sweatshirt / cardigan
Autumn / Winter PE Kit Spring / Summer PE kit
Navy blue or black joggersNavy blue / black shorts
School jumper / cardiganSchool jumper / cardigan if needed
White T-shirt White T-shirt
Black pumps Black pumps (trainers if PE is outside)


A navy blue waterproof fleece jacket.


Sensible black shoes (no heels or trainers)


Apart from a wrist watch and stud ear-rings no other jewellery is allowed.

New Uniform.

Uniforms can be purchased at Impressions, 250 Leyland Lane, Leyland.

Book Bags / PE Bags

Book bags printed with the school name and logo can be purchased from the school office for £3.75.

Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled so misplaced items can be returned.